Dan started Parkour in 2005 in Northamptonshire and continued his journey when he moved to Leicester for university. Dan graduated and won an award for his degree, despite by his own admission spending large chunks of study time on Parkour! Dan was invited to take the pilot courses for the level 1 and 2 UK coaching certifications making him one of the first level 2 coaches globally.
Since then, Dan has been focused on Parkour, with the goal of helping the discipline that he feels has helped him so much. Dan consults on and designs Parkour parks, his prize creations being the sites in Loughborough and Leicester.
Dan is a board member of the NGB, Parkour UK, having been elected by the community in 2016. He is also a course tutor in his own right and delivers coaching certifications to those wishing to teach the discipline.
Dan is highly outgoing in his coaching, and loves to create interesting and unique challenges. His own training involves trying to become as strong and mobile as possible to help his technical Parkour. When he isn’t practising Parkour or lifting heavy things, he is always taking the carry role in games of DOTA.